Not a very productive moment


I even find it hard to come here and write, I have a cold and feel kind of dizzy... It has been raining and even snowing! (ten years waiting for this moment). Even if that makes me feel happy it makes me also feel under the weather and tired. However, it is a good weather to sit down and relax, with a blanket and a cup of chocolate, I am not a coffee/tea kind of person! So, book in hand and let's start!

(hard concentration on reading as my head aches)

Well..after an hour I managed to read five pages... I do not like this because I feel very unproductive and makes me think that maybe I can't  enjoy the book as much as I could... Tiredeness is getting over me! However, at the beginning of the book I felt confused about fruit and love, but later it got interesting as the narrator talks about his experience with love. It is interesting as he, or she, is looking for the kind of love his, or her, grandparents and parents have. It looks like this love is the prototypical love everyone is looking for: having the most perfect couple, with beautiful children and living happily ever after. Even writing it sounds as a fairytale! Of course we can have a beautiful family and live happy, but there are other moments in which problems come and tears apart all the happiness for an instant. Do not get stuck in Wonderland, quoting Winterson', or fairytales and live life as it is, reality!

How deep, wasn't it? Haha, well going back to reality it is lunch time and work time and... my head is starting to complain already... bye for now!

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